Harms of Bad Quality Screen Protectors and How to Judge Their Quality (2024)

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Harms of Bad Quality Screen Protectors and How to Judge Their Quality (20)

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Harms of Bad Quality Screen Protectors and How to Judge Their Quality (21)

After purchasing a new smartphone, the first thing we usually do is buy a case. After all, leaving the house without one is like leaving the house without shoes on: dangerous! But what about a screen protector?Choose the right one, and you have yourself a snug, compact, and positive user experience. So comfortable, you can forget its even there. But choose the wrong one, and you’re in for a world of discomfort in terms of functionality, and even run the risk of seriously harming your phone.

The harms of poor-quality screen protectors are real and judging their quality may be difficult, what you want is something that is durable and will last. Cheap screen protectors will not only damage your screen but will also give you a false sense of security. A quality screen protector will prevent cracks and allow you to continue using your smartphone without needing to buy a new one right away.

With these factors in mind, it’s safe to say that although most phone screen protectors may look the same, they are not, in fact, created equal. But rest assured: Once you know what to look for, finding the right fit is actually quite easy, and certainly cheaper than shopping around for a new phone or completely replacing a cracked screen. So let’s dive into what to look for in a phone screen protector, and what to avoid.

How long can a screen protector last

With proper care and maintenance, a screen protector can last indefinitely. In fact, a quality screen protector may even outlast the internal components of your smart phone, including the battery. But it really all depends on what material your screen protector is made from.

Currently, there are two main types of phone screen protectors on the market: plastic and tempered glass, but choosing between the two isn’t a Catch-22. As a general rule, you should always go with the tempered glass. So let’s break it down, before you break your phone.

Tempered Glass vs Plastic


Plastic is flexible, reusable, and won’t crack like some glass. Additionally, it’s normally cheaper, which is why some people may be drawn to it in the first place. Oftentimes, you can get two, sometimes even three, plastic covers for the price of one tempered glass screen protector.

But don’t be fooled! “Reusability” and “flexibility” doesn’t necessarily mean “quality.” After all, if your phone screen cracks but your plastic screen protector remains intact, what’s the point? What good is having one or two extra plastic covers if you can’t even use your phone? Quality over quantity is the name of the game here.

Tempered glass, also known as “Safety Glass,” is an extremely durable material and the industry standard for car windows, glass tables, shower doors, or any other glass installations where increased safety standards for protecting people and their property are a priority. And since we use our smartphones every day, why wouldn’t you want to apply that same layer of safety directly onto your phone (literally)? Through a scientific process of rapidly heating and cooling glass and then applying it as layers one on top of the other using a penetrable, silicone coating, highly compressed tempered glass ends up becoming much more heat and scratch resistant, and up to 5 times stronger than regular glass. Thus, infinitely more effective at protecting your phone against damage than a flimsy plastic film cover. If it’s strong enough for a car window, it’s strong enough for your phone. Plus, it won’t shatter completely if it does break, but more on this later.

Harms of Bad Quality Screen Protectors and How to Judge Their Quality (22)

2) Cleanliness

Likewise, glass can be easily wiped and cleaned, whereas plastic cannot. Even if you’re not a particularly accident-prone or clumsy individual and not worried about cracking your screen, nobody wants to use a dirty device. Which is precisely what will happen if you use a plastic screen protector, guaranteed.

Due to the nature of the material, over time, gunk and oil from your fingertips will accumulate and adhere to a sticky plastic screen cover, causing it to eventually become hazy and lose clarity. And sure, you could just replace a plastic screen cover when that happens, but oftentimes, that does more harm than good.

Every time you replace your screen cover you run the risk of air bubbles, dirt, and grime accumulating beneath the surface, which can further affect the visibility of your device’s screen. Not to mention it’s annoying, both to look at and maintain. Nobody wants to perform “screen protector surgery” every couple of months.

With a tempered glass screen, you have a “one-and-done” type of situation. Do it right the first time, and you don’t have to worry about it again. Just give it a wipe, and you’re good to go. You don’t have to be a neat freak to understand the value in that. Plus, even if you do want to give it a clean, lifting a tempered glass screen protector to remove dust is much easier,and you can easily snap it back into place when you’re done.

Likewise, unlike tempered glass, plastic is not fingerprint-resistant. This means that even the smallest of smudges tend to become more pronounced with a plastic screen protector. Furthermore, any tiny cracks, scratches, or imperfections tend to grow larger over time- turning small problems into big problems, and making them impossible to ignore. This will ultimately affect your user functionality. Which brings us to the last point.

3) Functionality

Not only is plastic not fingerprint-resistant, it just doesn’t feelas good. It tends to run a little sticky in humid weather, which is not only gross, but also impractical. In this regard, tracking your fingers along a device’s surface, navigating over a touch screen, and general clicking can become arduous affairs that only worsen over time. Conversely, since most electronic device screens are made from glass, not plastic, using a tempered glass screen protector is a much more natural affair that not only provides a far sleeker appearance, but also user experience. A quality tempered glass screen protector will give you the original feeling that the manufacturer intended, if not better.Unlike plastic, gliding across glass is both amusing and a pleasure. Think of the difference between roller skating on a cracked concrete road as opposed to ice-skating across a freshly polished winter pond.

And finally, plastic screen protectors often fail to give full coverage of your device’s screen surface, especially if it has curved edges.This actually ends up making them less scratch-resistant, and ultimately more vulnerable to damage if dropped.

Fortunately, OMOTON has you covered. With a wide variety of quality, durable, and functional tempered glass screen protectors available for your device. You can check out our latest tempered glass screen protectors here https://omoton.com/collections/screen-protector

Can a screen protector damage your screen

The short answer is no, a screen protector will not damage your screen. If they did, companies wouldn’t bother to manufacture them, nor would people continue to buy them.

That being said, there does seem to be some common misconceptions associated with screen protectors and sensitivity issues that are important to discuss, and a lot of misinformation and hearsay about their causes. So let’s clear the air, once and for all: Will my screen protector affect touch sensitivity?

Harms of Bad Quality Screen Protectors and How to Judge Their Quality (23)

Generally, no, your screen protector won’t affect touch sensitivity at all.Especially not if you use a tempered glass screen protector. They are specifically manufactured to be just as sensitive and responsive to your touch as your device, and as such, are designed to work hand in hand (or finger-to-finger?) with your specific phone, tablet, or computer’s screen.

Additionally, although some people may claim their screen cover affects the sensitivity, this is almost always an issue with the screen protector itself, not the actual device, which is good news. And even then, it’s usually only an issue associated with very low-quality screen protectors or plastic covers.

But low quality or not, rest assured- screen protectors can’t physically harm your device,they may just make it a little more awkward to use. So, if this is something you’re worried about, get yourself a quality, tempered glass screen protector, and definitely don’t use a plastic screen cover.

However, if you feel that you’re still experiencing issues, you can always adjust the pressure sensitivity on your device, which should even out any slight irregularities you may be experiencing.

You can follow this guide below to adjust the pressure sensitivity on your Android or iOS device.


  1. Go to your“Settings”APP.
  2. Click on“Advanced Features.”
  3. Scroll down to“Touch Sensitivity,”and make sure this is turned on. The icon on the right will turn blue when it is activated.

Harms of Bad Quality Screen Protectors and How to Judge Their Quality (24)


  1. Go to your“Settings”APP.
  2. Click on“General.”
  3. Click on“Accessibility.”
  4. Scroll down and click on“3D Touch.”
  5. Adjust the bar to fit your preference. If 3D touch sensitivity is low, move the icon towards the ‘Light’ end of the bar. This allows less pressure to be exerted on your screen, thus, fixing any small issues you may have.Harms of Bad Quality Screen Protectors and How to Judge Their Quality (25)

Will a screen protector help cracked screen

You’re the daredevil type- the kind of person who enjoys taking risks and doesn’t play by the rules. The kind of person who, when the salesclerks asks if you want to spend a little extra on a screen protector, you gladly tell them “No thanks!” and relish in the look of shock that inevitably befalls their face.

“What kind of maniac doesn’t use a screen protector?” Their expression seems to say. You, that’s who!

Then, as you skip out of the store, confident in your graceful, definitely-not-clumsy ways, it happens. You drop your phone, and the screen cracks.

Is it too late to go back? To admit your faults and fix the past? Will a screen protector even help a cracked screen?

The answer, luckily, is yes- a screen protector can help a cracked screen.

If the damage is minimal, say, one or two cracks, a tempered glass screen protector can help cover up the damage. It won’t fix the cracks, but it can’t hurt, either, and will definitely extend the longevity of your device’s usage as well as prevent any further “spidering,” or growing of the cracks, on your screen.

But exactly how long a tempered glass screen protector will extend the life of your device is hard to say. It all depends on the extent of the injury sustained, and how durable your new, tempered glass case is.

Additionally, shards of glass or bits of debris that spring free from your device can pose a potential safety hazard to your fingers when scrolling if you’re not careful, or to your beard and hair if they snag in the cracks while talking on the phone.

So although if the damage is really severe you may not be able to save your device completely, one thing is certain: your protective cover will definitely help to create a barrier that will at least save yourself the trouble of sustaining any accidental bodily injury that may occur when using it.

While it may be true that a screen protector won’t help fix a lifetime of bad and careless mistakes (like using a phone without protection), the good news is it’s never too late to change your ways, and yes, a screen protector canhelp a cracked screen, in more ways than one. But honestly, it’s best to avoid all these troubles and just get yourself a tempered glass protective case to begin with.

Harms of Bad Quality Screen Protectors and How to Judge Their Quality (26)

Quality Screen Protectors Are Worth It

Like a new phone, tablet, or computer, buying a protective screen cover is an investment. But one that is hopefully infinitely cheaper (and easier!) than purchasing an entirely new device. When done correctly, it should be something you don’t even notice. Think about it like insurance. Hopefully you’ll never need it, but in case of accidental injury, it’s still best to haveit. Therefore, make sure you do it right the first time - get yourself a durable, tempered glass screen protector that will last, and maybe even outlast, your more costly electronic device. Otherwise, you may end up paying for it later!

Harms of Bad Quality Screen Protectors and How to Judge Their Quality (2024)


Harms of Bad Quality Screen Protectors and How to Judge Their Quality? ›

But low quality or not, rest assured- screen protectors can't physically harm your device, they may just make it a little more awkward to use. So, if this is something you're worried about, get yourself a quality, tempered glass screen protector, and definitely don't use a plastic screen cover.

What are the disadvantages of screen protectors? ›

Reduced Screen Clarity: One common drawback of screen protectors is that they can affect the device's screen clarity, particularly if you opt for lower-quality protectors. The installation process could lead to bubbles or smudges, further compromising the visual experience.

Does quality of screen protector matter? ›

Tempered glass

Tempered-glass screen protectors do better against drops and scratches than plastic. Plus some brands offer added features, including antiglare and privacy technology. The main downside? The protector is thicker, so you'll notice it on your screen.

How to know if a screen protector is good quality? ›

Scratch resistance:

A good tempered glass film can be directly scratched with blades, scissors, keys, etc. If the surface is scratched easily, it goes without saying that such screen protector is bad screen protector. A good tempered glass screen protector is difficult to scratch obvious on it.

Are screen protectors bad for the environment? ›

While they may seem like a small, inconsequential accessory, the environmental impact of screen protectors can be significant. Screen protectors are typically made of plastic and other non-biodegradable materials, which means they can take hundreds of years to decompose in a landfill.

What are the disadvantages of tempered glass? ›

Since the glass is designed to shatter entirely upon impact, it can pose a security risk. Motivated intruders may find it easier to gain entry because a single force can cause the entire window to fall apart.

What are the problems with tempered glass? ›

These issues can include glass breakage, deformation, insufficient tempering, and other quality problems that may arise during or after the tempering process.

Can cheap screen protector damage screen? ›

The harms of poor-quality screen protectors are real and judging their quality may be difficult, what you want is something that is durable and will last. Cheap screen protectors will not only damage your screen but will also give you a false sense of security.

What is the hardest screen protector? ›

9H - Toughest Glass with Strong Protection

9H hardness glass, which is extremely scratch-resistant, wear-resistant and has good durability. Resists scratches from sharp items such as keys and even knives. Keep your cellphone screen safe anywhere, anytime.

Can a screen protector crack? ›

Cracks or chips in your phone's screen protector will obscure the picture quality of your phone and will have a noticeable negative impact on the viewing experience.

Are all screen protectors the same quality? ›

Similarly, a screen protector is just as important for many people, even if most modern phones are being made with increasingly tougher glass. However, not all screen protectors are the same. The better the screen protector you own, the longer your phone screen is going to last.

How do I choose a good screen protector? ›

Consider brands that have well-established relationships with leading device manufacturers. Such partnerships ensure your screen protector is tested to work with your device and won't interfere with your phone's performance. It also means you'll be able to find a screen protector that's designed for your device.

Does screen protector quality matter? ›

If you're unsure about the hardness of a specific brand, search around to see if anyone has tested it themselves with a Mohs kit. In my opinion, most people are probably best off with a tempered glass protector. They have the smoothest feel, prevent the most damage, and are available at pretty decent prices.

What are the disadvantages of screen protector? ›

Some of the drawbacks include their lack of flexibility and the fact that they can be a little tricky to install on the average phone. Plastic screen protectors can also be less durable vs tempered glass, which may leave your device more vulnerable to damage.

Can screen protectors cause problems? ›

The liquid adhesive used in these protectors can seep into the physical keys, charging port, speaker hole, and battery cover, leading to issues such as unexpected restarts, button malfunctions, speaker noise, and peeling of the battery cover leather.

Is it better to not have a screen protector? ›

It's true that there was a time when it was practically a must to put a screen protector on your phone. However, the materials used in modern smartphone displays have changed a lot over the years. There's certainly no harm in using a screen protector, but you may not need one.

Is tempered glass better than screen protectors? ›

Here are some differences between the two: Protection: Tempered glass screen protectors are generally more durable and offer better protection against scratches and cracks compared to plastic screen protectors. This is because tempered glass is thicker and stronger than plastic.

What are the pros and cons of plastic screen protectors? ›

Plastic screen protectors are resilient and reusable but may lose clarity over time, show scratches prominently, and lack fingerprint resistance. On the other hand, tempered glass offers sturdiness, scratch resistance, and enhanced usability, albeit with a higher cost and less impact resistance.

Are screen protectors reliable? ›

Cons. Less Protection: They are generally not as robust as glass when it comes to impact and scratch protection. Wear Over Time: Plastic protectors may develop scratches and dents over time, requiring more frequent replacements.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.