My gluten free Viennese Whirls recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (2024)

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There are a few recipes that get frequently requested - and gluten free Viennese Whirls are one of them! I'm excited to bring you this recipe, because these elegant biscuits are an absolute classic.

I spent many days in the kitchen getting this recipe right, and it's definitely one of my more fiddly bakes. However, if I can do it - so can you! I promise they're not too tricky.

My gluten free Viennese Whirls recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (1)

Gluten free Viennese Whirls are absolute treat: two golden, buttery biscuits sandwiched with a jam-and-buttercream filling.

They just melt in your mouth and are so moreish - plus these gluten free Viennese Whirls are the perfect baking project for the weekend!

I vaguely remember them making Viennese Whirls on The Great British Bake Off a few years ago (cannot WAIT for this to return in August!) and I tell you, I bet they're all glad they weren't gluten free!

These certainly need to be handled with care, but it's worth it for the most buttery, delicious, melt-in-your-mouth biscuit ever! The biscuits are so light, it's like they're baked with fairy dust!

My gluten free Viennese Whirls recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (2)

Making the perfect gluten free Viennese Whirls

So what is the secret to the perfect gluten free Viennese Whirls? I've spent two whole days testing this recipe and I think I've cracked it! I first tried a 'normal' recipe, substituting for gluten free flour, but they just fell apart at the touch.

In fact, I barely had to look at them and they crumbled into dust! I find gluten free flour tends to provide a crumblier bake (which is why I use xantham gum in my bakes, as it replicates the texture of gluten) so I needed to make them slightly more robust.

In the end, I ended up adding more cornflour, and a tad more icing sugar, as the extra flour took some of the sweet flavour away. I only have a small oven so I baked mine on trays of 5-6 biscuits, which took about 6-7 minutes.

Basically as soon as they go golden, take them out! Undercook and they will crumble - overcook and they will burn.

My gluten free Viennese Whirls recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (3)

How to pipe your Viennese Whirls

A few tips for making these gluten free Viennese Whirls, before we start! Firstly, I find these best to pipe in the same way you would icing a cupcake.

That is, you want to do one swirl starting in the centre and working out - and then swirl back into the centre, so they're almost like a double layer? This will help to get the swirly look, otherwise I find they tend to flatten.

You'll want to use a large piping bag for the swirling - I used a re-useable one I bought from Sainsbury's - and a star-shaped nozzle. This will help to get the lovely swirl.

You can use the same bag and nozzle for the buttercream as well, to make life a little easier! And when you've baked the biscuits, let them cool on the tray completely before carefully moving them, as they will be fragile!

My gluten free Viennese Whirls recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (4)

My gluten free Viennese Whirls recipe

Ready, set, BAKE! It's time to get cracking on my gluten free Viennese Whirls recipe. These are best made and eaten on the same day. Because the biscuits are so light they will go a little soft if left for a few hours with the filling.

If you want to make these in advance of an event, I recommend you bake the biscuits beforehand but fill them just before serving.I love seeing it when you make my recipes, so don’t forget totag me on Instagramand use #theglutenfreeblogger if you give this a go!

My gluten free Viennese Whirls recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (5)

Gluten free Viennese Whirls

My gluten free Viennese Whirls recipe are so beautiful! A light, melt-in-your-mouth butter biscuit sandwich with a jam and buttercream filling. Who needs Mr Kipling, right!?


For the biscuits:

  • 200 g unsalted butter, (softened)
  • 65 g icing sugar
  • 175 g plain gluten free flour
  • 60 g cornflour
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp xanthan gum

For the filling:

  • 100 g unsalted butter
  • 180 g icing sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 8-10 tsp strawberry jam


  1. Preheat the oven to 180'C and line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside.
  2. Add the butter and icing sugar to a large mixing bowl and beat with an electric whisk for 3-4 minutes until pale and fluffy. Add the vanilla extract and beat again until combined.
  3. Sift in the flour, xanthan gum cornflour and baking powder. Fold into the butter and sugar mix until fully combined. You want quite a thick dough, but still pipe-able. Spoon the mixture into a large piping bag with a star nozzle.
  4. On the baking sheet, pipe 10 swirly circles. They should be approx 5cm in diameter with approx 3-4cm between them to allow for spreading. To pipe, start in the centre of the circle and swirl out, then swirl back into the middle so it resembles an iced cupcake-type shape.
  5. Bake in the oven for 7-8 minutes (I baked one at a time, if baking at the same time you may need to switch the trays in the oven half way through) until golden on top. Remove from the oven and cool completely on the trays.
  6. To make the filling: Beat the butter, icing sugar and vanilla extract for 2-3 minutes with an electric whisk until smooth. Spoon into a piping bag with star nozzle fitted.
  7. Gently take one biscuit and turn upside down. Spread 1 tsp of jam onto the biscuit, then pipe on the buttercream in a swirl. Place a second biscuit on top (swirl-side-up) and very gently press down to create your sandwich. Repeat until all the biscuits are filled.


  1. These are best eaten within 1-2 hours of being filled. If making in advance, make the biscuits and store in an airtight container, then fill just before serving.
  2. Biscuits will be very fragile - use a spatula or fish slice to help lift them from the baking sheet once completely cool.

Need some more gluten free baking inspiration?

Want to have a go at some of the other classic gluten free biscuit recipes on the blog? Give some of these other gluten free recipes a try! There are plenty to choose from – here are a couple to get you going:

  • Gluten free Wagon Wheels recipe
  • My gluten free Jammie Dodgers recipe
  • Gluten free Jaffa Cakes recipe
  • Easy gluten free peanut butter and jelly thumbprint cookies

If you do make this recipe please let me know! I’d love to see your photos using #theglutenfreeblogger,share them inmy Facebook groupor tag me onInstagram.And if you have any recipe suggestions, please let me know in the comments what you’d like to see next! Oh – anddon’t forget to sign up for my e-newsletterwhere you’ll know about all my latest posts and competitions first!

Like this recipe? Pin this recipe card below for later!

My gluten free Viennese Whirls recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (6)

My gluten free Viennese Whirls recipe - The Gluten Free Blogger (2024)


Why are my Viennese whirls too crumbly? ›

Why are my Viennese Whirls too crumbly? Either the butter wasn't creamed enough at the start, or too much flour was added, which made the dough dry. Cream the butter and sugar until pale, adding much-needed air to the dough. Also, weigh out the flour with digital scales for accuracy.

Do Viennese whirls contain egg? ›

Mary Berry's recipe for Viennese whirls differs from my mother's spritz cookie recipe in that it does not use eggs but does call for cornstarch in addition to flour, butter and powdered sugar. The addition of cornstarch makes the Viennese whirls very “short” — meaning crumbly and with a tender crumb.

What are Viennese whirls made of? ›

Viennese whirls
Viennese whirls with a creme filling and raspberry purée, made by Mr Kipling
Main ingredientsShortbread, buttercream, jam
Media: Viennese whirls

Why are gluten free biscuits crumbly? ›

This might be due to the lack of gluten but can be for many other reasons. Lots of gluten free flour is rice based and this can result in a dry and slightly gritty texture. The Juvela gluten free White and Fibre Mix have been developed to be as comparable to gluten containing flour as possible.

What is the best piping nozzle for Viennese Whirls? ›

The Wilton 1M is the go-to piping tip. This perfectly sized star nozzle can easily decorate cupcakes of all sizes or add detailed borders to layered cakes. The star is also large enough to also pipe biscuits such as Viennese Whirls, or individual meringue nests.

How much sugar is in a Vienna whirl? ›

Storage Instructions
Typical ValuesPer 100gPer whirl (28g)
of which – sugars (g)26.5g7.5g
Fibre (g)2.2g0.6g
Protein (g)3.8g1.1g
Salt (g)0.68g0.19g
5 more rows

What is the traditional finish for Vienna biscuits? ›

Finishing and decorating your Viennese Whirls

Classic Viennese Whirls are usually sandwiched together with a little jam and vanilla buttercream in the centre. Raspberry Jam is the traditional filling in the centre of these sandwich cookies.

Are Mr Kipling Viennese whirls vegetarian? ›

Suitable for Vegetarians. May Contain: Nuts. Contains: Milk, Wheat.

What products are surprisingly gluten-free? ›

Treats that are surprisingly gluten-free
  • Plain tortilla or potato chips: Keep in mind that seasoned chips may contain wheat starch.
  • Plain chocolate: Read ingredients as some chocolate bars contain wheat-based wafers.
  • Ice cream: Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are safe bets. ...
  • French fries: Potatoes are gluten free.
Apr 13, 2023

Can celiacs eat shortbread? ›

Celiacs need not miss out on shortbread this Christmas! We've developed a buttery, gluten-free biscuit recipe that's just like the shortbread you know and love (just a tad crumblier).

Are rice krispies gluten-free? ›

You may think that classic Kellogg's Brand Rice Krispies are gluten-free because rice is a naturally gluten-free grain, but they are made with malt flavoring. The malt is derived from barley which is a gluten-containing grain. Therefore, they are definitely NOT gluten-free!

Who invented Vienna whirls? ›

Viennese Whirls were popularised by Mr. Kipling (a British brand), in the 20th century and for a while people mistook them for Empire biscuits. Empire biscuits are also a type of a sandwich biscuit, the difference being that icing comes on top.

What cake is Vienna famous for? ›

The "Sachertorte" is a famous Viennese cake and probably the most famous chocolate cake in the world since 1832. The delicious treat consists of 3 layers of chocolate sponge cake with thickly spread apricot jam in between and on the top.

Are Viennese whirls Austrian? ›

Who invented Viennese Whirls? It is a common misconception that Viennese Whirls, or Viennese Biscuits as they are also known, were created in Austria. They actually originate from England but they were inspired by Austrian biscuits. They took their name from the country's capital Vienna.

What causes the biscuit mixture to be crumbly instead of dough like? ›

When the fat is cut too small, after baking there will be more, smaller air pockets left by the melting fat. The result is a baked product that crumbles. When cutting in shortening and other solid fats, cut only until the pieces of shortening are 1/8- to 1/4-inch in size.

How do you make baked goods less crumbly? ›

6 Things You Can Do To Avoid Making Crumbly Cakes
  1. USE THE RIGHT TYPE OF FLOUR. Different types of flour have different levels of protein, which can affect the texture of your cake. ...
Dec 26, 2022

How do you fix crumbly biscuit mix? ›

To avoid this, try using as little flour as possible while preparing to roll your dough. Dry – “Dry” or “Crumbly” dough is a product of over-mixing or using too much of any ingredient during the mixing process. This can be reversed by adding one to two tablespoons of liquid (water, milk or softened butter) to your mix.

How do you keep biscuits from falling apart? ›

Falling apart

The likelihood here is that your recipe needs a bit more liquid, or your recipe has too high a ratio of flour. Be sparing with any flour you put on the work surface to roll your dough too. Too much will dry it out and cause the cookie to crumble (so to speak).

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.