Old-Fashioned Scalloped Corn Recipe (2024)

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For those concerned about the amt of butter (I am) you can get by with much less. Save the first tbl by using an atomizer of olive/canola (or your choice) to spritz into the pan. Save another 2 tbl by sweating onions etc in pan with another couple of spritzes of oil. None of this will sacrifice the result. As for the cracker crumbs, use half butter, and half spray, and it should be fine. I did -- and this saved 400 calories for the whole recipe.

Tia Abby

But - Cutting back on the butter reduces the whole "tastes like buttered corn in the cob" experience. I say - go for it, at least for this recipe.


Folks, this ain't diet food. A good friend of mine who is no longer with us (no fault of his diet) made a dish very similar to this for the winter holidays. It was buttery, delicious, and no one worried about an extra spoon or two of fat.
Fat =flavor.


These are New England specialties and comfort foods, and butter is an important part of that. However, my grandmothers would have never dreamed of adding bell peppers to this dish, and when I make it I toast the cracker crumbs in melted butter before it goes in the oven (I also use hot heavy cream not bechemel). Just an options for those of you looking for a slightly more traditional version.


When the corn is really fresh, cutting back on the butter works fine; lets the corn shine. When the corn isn't so great, the butter helps a lot. I sometimes also add diced green or red peppers, seeded diced tomatoes; mimics maque choux.


Too much for 500 character message. Please see original comments of July 14, 2017, when chef Tanis first ran this: fewer top crumb, all toppers except ham sound great, but not all in the same batch. Canned/creamed corn? No, I'll wait for the fresh home grown. And for me, this casserole demands heavy cream; just has to be. Another winner from Mr. Tanis!! Cooked? Not yet, simply awaiting the corn. I might consider frozen if necessary, but not canned. Looks great!


Cut the kernels off the cob - uncooked - then cook briefly after the onion/bell peppers are partially cooked by adding to the pan.


Save a pan and cook the veggies in a cast iron, then mix everything together and toss it in the oven! I used coconut milk as a dairy-free alternative and highly recommend it -- brings out the sweetness in fresh corn.


The photo makes the dish look very, very dry and, frankly, not very appetizing. I want to try the recipe but my question is...is the photo an accurate depiction of the dish?


This was delicious! For everyone concerned about the amount of butter, well, I say enjoy it because you only live once. Just don't make it all the time, everything in moderation! Also, after combining the cream sauce with the corn, I folded in about a cup of shredded Vermont pepper jack cheddar cheese, just to give it extra creaminess and some kick--totally worth it!! My mantra: if the recipe doesn't have cheese in it, it can probably benefit from adding it! :P


Yes, the photo looks dry. But the butter and half and half lend lots of moisture to the contents when baked in a deep, 9x9 dish. Worth trying. Very good.

Caroline M

I can't tolerate dairy so I made my mother-in-law's recipe for fried fresh-from-the garden sweet corn yesterday (a Midwestern US favorite). Bacon, parboiled corn, egg, salt...served with sides of sliced tomatoes and chilled pickled beets.


My mother from Tennessee made what she called an old Southern comfort food: Fried Corn. It was similar but simpler. She made it when we had corn cobs that weren't fresh, so the corn wasn't too sweet. In a cast iron skillet, put fresh-cut corn kernels, heavy cream, a little diced onion, and a little diced red bell pepper. Cook on the stove while scraping occasionally with a spatula. Delicious.

Ellen Brown

I couldn't wait to try this because I could eat corn every day! I had to use a much larger pan because the kernels from six ears of corn were almost five cups. And I cooked the onion and red pepper until they began to caramelize, and that sweetness served as a perfect foil to the corn. I melted the last two tablespoons of butter and tossed them with the cracker crumbs to encourage the crumbs to brown. This dish goes into my corn rotation from now on.


Used leeks instead of onions - it was a hit.

Nick Valentine

Everyone loved it! Great for the Vegetarians in my family!


There was definitely a lot of butter. As someone else recommended, I stir fried the corn with olive oil and only used 4 tablespoons in the corn, an additional one cut at the top. Amazing taste

Edward Konat

Thought results were very dry.


This was fun to cook!! Went to the GAP farmers' market this last weekend specifically to get produce for it.

My thoughts: on the recipe as written, I'd thicken the bechamel more than I did, so it holds together more in the pan, as mine, though thick, led to a little more watery than I would have liked.

Also, I used saltines (and hunted high and low to get a one-sleeve pack in Park Slope!), but would probably prefer panko.

And, finally, added late-season basil after baking. Yum.


This was delicious! I followed the recipe exactly as it was written. My daughter, who is not given to complimenting my cooking, loved it.

Susan B

A bit more time-consuming than I would have liked but, based on my guests' comments, worth the extra minutes. Absolutely worth the time (and ensuing mess) to use fresh ears of corn.

Ellen Brown

I couldn't wait to try this because I could eat corn every day! I had to use a much larger pan because the kernels from six ears of corn were almost five cups. And I cooked the onion and red pepper until they began to caramelize, and that sweetness served as a perfect foil to the corn. I melted the last two tablespoons of butter and tossed them with the cracker crumbs to encourage the crumbs to brown. This dish goes into my corn rotation from now on.


Save a pan and cook the veggies in a cast iron, then mix everything together and toss it in the oven! I used coconut milk as a dairy-free alternative and highly recommend it -- brings out the sweetness in fresh corn.


Made this for a dinner party over the weekend and it got raves from everyone- fresh corn taste, a quintessential summer dish. Delicious!


This was delicious! For everyone concerned about the amount of butter, well, I say enjoy it because you only live once. Just don't make it all the time, everything in moderation! Also, after combining the cream sauce with the corn, I folded in about a cup of shredded Vermont pepper jack cheddar cheese, just to give it extra creaminess and some kick--totally worth it!! My mantra: if the recipe doesn't have cheese in it, it can probably benefit from adding it! :P

Caroline M

I can't tolerate dairy so I made my mother-in-law's recipe for fried fresh-from-the garden sweet corn yesterday (a Midwestern US favorite). Bacon, parboiled corn, egg, salt...served with sides of sliced tomatoes and chilled pickled beets.


Followed directions & it turned out quite tasty; sweet as can be but a bit greasy from all the butter. Next time I will cut down on the butter, as recommended here by others.

We ate half & put leftover in the fridge. Next day, I put 2 Tbsp feta in a bowl with about a cup of the scalloped corn & nuked for 2 minutes. OMG scrumptious perfection.

I'm gonna add feta to the original recipe next time oh jeez can't wait gotta go now off to the store for some corn..........

Wendy Evans

I reduced the butter on the baking dish, added a teaspoon of minced fresh jalapeño and used crushed brioche toast for the topping. An excellent side for steamed lobster or grilled steak.


Our family recipe is a buttered dish filled with a custard - eggs, heavy cream, salt and pepper and as much corn as it takes to fill the casserole. Creaming half of the kernels makes the pudding hold together. It's all corn.

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Old-Fashioned Scalloped Corn Recipe (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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